Well, Hi Bloggers .!
I used to write blogs from time to time when I'm still in college. But I stopped doing it when i step into my very first WORK LIFE after college. Cause I have no time doing it. A few years of getting used to the work life, now everything going well. So, here I am, Blog-Ing again. (◕‿-)
Just a simple Biodata about me... (hehe. kinda have this back-to-school feeling here, writing Biodata (n˘v˘•)¬)
Born Name : Chan Suet Yen
Nickname : (LOL, FYI I have quite numbers of nickname) >> Michy, Hafiza Allysya, Michy Ally, Mimo, Michelle, Jantarika
D.O.B : 11.11.1991 *November baby yo !
P.O.B : Joe's Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, MY
Nationality : Chinese-Malaysian (Mixed of Siamese, my mom is Siamese)
Communication Language : Cantonese, English & Bahasa Malaysia
Hobbies : Surf internet, reading comic once in a while, listening to musics (slow one), Blogging (would be one of it now)
Thats about it ..! Done about me part.
My very first post already a long one. Phew..!
Cheers, Michy ♥‿♥